Fungoid - William Meikle
There's a fungus among us. When the oily rain starts pouring down, what follow brings mankind to it's knees. A fast growing fungus starts spreading and wiping out the vast majority of the population. Is it from outer space? Was it an experiment gone wrong? Does it really matter? The speed at which these deadly spores wreak havoc on the world is astonishing and it's decimating everything in it's path. We're left with only a few characters that have hung onto life by the skin of their teeth. One is a scientist that specializes in fungus and stumbles onto a possible solution. Will it work and, if it does, will it work in time or is this Mother Nature's answer to it's human problem?
Meikle's Fungoid is a fast-paced read that will have you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what will happen next and how will our heroes get out of this predicament. The characters are realistic. The situation is plausible. The suspense can be cut with a knife. I really don't have much for criticism for this one. Meikle was a scientist in a previous life and you can tell he knows his way around the fungus. What's amazing to me is that he makes it interesting. Funguses aren't that exciting to the vast majority of the population and I'll be damned if he doesn't make me eat my words. Good show, Willie!
4 1/2 Blue Hills out of 5
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